

Do It Yourself becomes more and more a trend.That's the reason why I decided to do a blog about that topic, cause I saw this super cute idea. :)

You are going to need:
-12-cup egg cartons(you'll need 5 cartons to make a small mirror or 12 to make a large mirror)
-How-glue gun and hot-glue stick
-Mirror tile or small mirror(frame removed)
-3mm MDF

Cut MDF 6cm longer and wider than mirror if you want a single row of roses, or 16cm longer and wider if you want a double row.

-Make a mirror with a flower design that is made out of none other than egg cartons-

-Cut 1 split into each corner of 1 cup(to make 4 slits).
Cut each piece into a petal shape.Repeat with third cup, but cut petals a little smaller, then roll so petals curve and make a bud shape.

-Hot glue the 3 layers together,offsetting middle layer so petals sit in spaces between pentads of bottom layer. Finish with layer of smaller petals. Repeat process until you've made enough roses to completely surround mirror. Spray roses with white paint, if desired. Leave to dry.

-Measure and mark 3 cm in across top and down side from 1 corner of MDF. Rule i line to join marks and saw off triangle. Repeat for all corners. Position mirror in centre of MDF, trance around, then remove.

-Drill 2 pairs of holes in frame above mirror position. Thread though picture hanging wire and secure. Paint MDF border with black paint and allow to dry.Glue mirror in position.

-Starting at 1 corner, hot glue roses to frame, bedding petals to fill in gaps if needed.Continue until frame is covered.

Finish!:) Have fun with your new mirror. I also use it as a photo frame.

I hope you like it. :) 

x Laura

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